Friday, February 13, 2004

Get over yourself

What's the big deal about same-sex marriages. People are entitled to love whoever they feel connected to. If this is truly a country in which church and state are separate (yea right) then let those who love one another marry one another and it be recognized.

No it is not the same as molestation, what it is sinful in the eyes of religious fanatics who don't know how to keep their religion to themselves. I love the Lord, he heard my cry Aiiiiiiiiiiiiyyyyyyyiyhhyyyyyyy......But I digress. I am very spiritual but I do not believe I have the liberty to dictate to another capable adult who they should and should not love for the rest of their lives. Even if it is against what I personally believe. It amazes me that it has taken this long for this to become a hard pressed issue and there is still resistance in today's Janet-tit-popping-Madonna-tongue-tying-Strom-Thurman-child-abusing-Trent-Lott-free-speeching-Queer eye for the straight guy-watching society we live in. Please!

If God can respect your right to free will, who are we not too!!!!

Smile you've just been Dewly processed<-------


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